Space number to duct network concatenate

Revit has a built in function that can let you know in which space an air terminal is located. Rhythm has a great node: ‘Element.Space’ for this. Unfortunately most other elements that you’d like associated with a space don’t have access to this space information. The node ‘Space number to network concatenate’ can assign the air terminal’s space number to every upstream element in the connected duct network. While traversing it will concatenate every space number into the parameter with a comma.

The node will stop traversing once it can no longer find an opposing flow direction, encounters a different system classification, encounters an element it has already encountered (and thus has entered some kind of loop) or there is nothing connected to the current element.



  • Air terminal: the starting air terminals from where the traversal into the duct network will start.
  • ParameterName: the parameter of the elements in the duct network to which the space numbers will be written to.
  • Category: only elements of these categories will have their parameter written to. Supports multiple categories.
  • SizeLimitFactor: an optional input that controls how far into the network the parameters will be written. The node will stop when the element’s size in the network is ‘factor’ times as big as the starting size. The default is set to 20.


  • The input elements are returned unless the air terminal is not located in a space, in which case a string indicating no space is found is returned.

The node can be found in the MEPover package version 2017.2.13 and up.

MEPover Node Index

Created by Taco Pover, MEPover is a package for working with MEP elements and focuses on creating pipes, ducts, cable trays and conduits and extracting MEP-System information.

For most of the nodes more detailed information can be found here: MEPover nodes

Current Node List:

CableTray.ByLines Creates CableTray by Lines, CableTrayType, Level, Width and Height
Conduit.ByLines Creates conduits by Line, ConduitType, Level and Diameter
Duct or pipe systems all elements Returns all the elements in the provided systems
Duct upstream components by category This node will try to return the connected elements in the upstream network. It will stop once it encounters an element twice or encounters a different system classification or cannot find a connector with an opposing direction. The output can be filtered by input Categories
Duct upstream components This node will try to return the connected elements in the upstream network. It will stop once it encounters an element twice or encounters a different system classification or cannot find a connector with an opposing direction.
DuctRectangular.ByLines Create ducts by Lines, DuctType, MechanicalFittingType, Level, Width and Height
DuctRound.ByLines Create round Ducts by Lines, DuctType, SystemType, Level and Diameter
Elbow.ByMEPCurves Takes in a list of MEPCurves (pipe, duct, cable tray, conduit)  and will attempt to create elbows where possible. A margin can be entered for max distance between connectors
ElectricalCircuit Get Panels and Elements Returns the Panels and Elements belonging to the given electrical circuits
ElectricalFitting connector count Returns the number of connectors on the cable tray or conduit fitting
Element.ConnectorSystemType Returns the MEP System Type of the connectors of the element
Element.Domain Returns the domain of connectors on the element i.e. (domainHvac, domainPiping etc.)
Element.ElectricalCircuit Returns the electrical circuit of the element
Element.System Returns the mechanical or plumbing system of the element
Elements in view by category Returns all the elements in the selected view(s) by the selected categor(y)(ies)
Family types of family Returns every family type of the given Family
GetParameterAsProjectUnits Returns the parameter value in the same unit type as the project settings
GetParameterAsValueString Returns the parameter values without conversion to the revit internal unit system. The suffix boolean toggles the project units on or off
Mechanical System Graphic Override set LineColor Sets the linecolor of the mechanical system graphic override
Mechanical System Graphic Override set LinePattern Sets the line pattern in the mechanical system type’s graphic override
Mechanical System Graphic Override set LineWeight This will change the lineweight override of the mechanical system type
MechanicalFitting info Gets the fitting Part Type and number of connectors
MEP connector info Returns location, connector info and connected elements
MEP Curve connected fittings Returns the fittings, ducts accessories and terminals connected to the given duct, cable tray, pipe or conduit. Also return air terminals on Ducts
MEP Fitting connected MEPCurves Returns the pipes, ducts, conduits or cable trays that are connected to the given fittings
MEP Fitting TakeoffFitting (Tap) Create a new TakeoffFitting or Tap by takeoff pipe and through pipe
MEPFitting.ByMEPCurves Creates a UnionFitting or ElbowFitting by 2 MEPCurves (Ducts, Cable Trays, Pipes or Conduits).
Pipe.ByLines Creates a pipe by Line, PipeType, SystemType, Level and Diameter
Room or Space reset center location This node will attempt to reset the location of the room or space to its default center location
Rooms place automatically for all levels This node will attempt to create rooms automatically for every level
SetParameterAsProjectUnits Sets the parameters by project unit inputs, no need to convert to Revit internal units first.
SetParameterSetValueString Sets the parameters by strings. Useful for setting numerical values that are affected by Revit’s internal  unit conversion. Does not work for parameters that are stored as elementId
Space number to duct network concatenate This node will attempt to write the space numbers to connected duct objects in the network. Input AirTerminals need to be placed in spaces. ParameterName is the parameter to write the space number to. Numbers will be concatenated if they serve multiple spaces. Multiple Categories supported
Space number to duct network This node will attempt to write the space number to connected duct objects in the network. Input AirTerminals need to be placed in spaces. ParameterName is the parameter to write the space number to. Numbering stops when it encounters an element from another space. Multiple Categories supported
Tag Get Location Returns the location of the tags
Tag Get View Return the view on which the tag is placed
View.GetCropBoxCurves returns the curves of a view crop box, even irregular shapes. Returns an empty list if the crop view is not active for a given view
View.SetCropBoxCurves Input views and lists of curves to set the view crop regions
View.ViewRange absolute Returns the 4 view range values relative in absolute Z values
View.ViewRange relative Returns the 4 view range values relative to the view’s level

Get Linked Elements in Host View(s)

I have just added two nodes to the Data-Shapes package:

  • GetLinkedElements.ByHostView
  • GetLinkedElements.ByHostViewAndCategory

The names of the nodes are pretty explicit: they gather elements  in linked documents visible in a host view.

GetLinkedElements.ByHostView uses the visibility settings of the host view when collecting the linked elements, whereas GetLinkedElements.ByHostViewAndCategory allows you to set the categories you’re interested in collecting.

Both nodes can be found in Data-Shapes Package (version 2017.02.20).

