Add View Filters to View

This node will take a list of view filters, and a single view, and apply those filters to the view.

The Boolean switch determines if the filter will be automatically ‘unticked’ when it is applied. Setting false will untick, effectively hiding elements that match those filters.

Future versions could look at applying more complicated colour overrides to each filter.

Create View Filter

This creates a simple view filter based on the following inputs:

· Categories

· A built in parameter name (not the same as a natural parameter name)

· A parameter value

· Desired filter name

The filter element can then be applied to Views or View Templates.

The type of filter created is a simple “Contains” rule. However, the code could be modified and extended to handle all of the various rule factory conditions (see here).

Workflow: Create Rectangular Wall Opening for Horizontal Pipes from a linked file in Revit 2016 using Dynamo 0.9.2

In our previous tutorials we showed how to:
The workflow assumed that the model contains all trades in one file. But most of cases each trade exists in its own file and based on the linking technique used in your firm the relation between the trades projects defers.
In this example I assumed that the architecture linked the piping file to the base model project, because most of cases the architect will be the responsible for making the opening in the walls of his model.
Nothing changed from the Create Rectangular Wall Opening for Horizontal Pipes in Revit 2016 using Dynamo tutorial except the technique of getting the pipe elements. In the previous tutorials we addressing the pipe elements directly from the current model, but now we will access them through the Link file.
The “Get all Pipes from link” Node is pure Python Script that get the link documents from the current project then collect the Pipes Category and set them as its output. The workflow then continues as it is in the Create Rectangular Wall Opening for Horizontal Pipes in Revit 2016 using Dynamo tutorial.
Wall Opening for Pipes - Rectangular - link
The sample Revit project files:
The Dynamo Workflow can be downloaded from here.

Workflow: Create Floor Opening for Vertical Pipes from a linked file in Revit 2016 using Dynamo 0.9.2

In our previous tutorials we showed how to:
The workflow assumed that the model contains all trades in one file. But most of cases each trade exists in its own file and based on the linking technique used in your firm the relation between the trades projects defers.
In this example I assumed that the architecture linked the piping file to the base model project, because most of cases the architect will be the responsible for making the opening in the walls of his model.
Nothing changed from the Create Floor Opening for Vertical Pipes in Revit 2016 using Dynamo tutorial except the technique of getting the pipe elements. In the previous tutorials we addressing the pipe elements directly from the current model, but now we will access them through the Link file.
The “Get all Pipes from link” Node is pure Python Script that get the link documents from the current project then collect the Pipes Category and set them as its output. The workflow then continues as it is in the Create Floor Opening for Vertical Pipes in Revit 2016 using Dynamo tutorial.
Floor Opening for Pipes - link
The sample Revit project files:
The Dynamo Workflow can be downloaded from here.